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To be eligible for free shipping the following conditions apply:
Order value of minimum R3000
In the unlikely event order is delayed, lost or damaged in transit we will need to investigate with couriers and investigation will need to be concluded before we provide any reshipping, returns or refunds.
Goods are shipped within 5-7 working days.
Please note that couriers do not deliver on weekends or public holidays.
All orders are subject to product availability. If an item is not in stock at the time you place your order, we will notify you and refund you the total amount of your order, using the original method of payment.
All items are carefully checked and packed to insure correct deliveries and quality merchandise.
Please check your goods on receipt to insure that you are satisfied.
Estimated delivery time will be provided to you once your order is placed. Delivery times are estimates and commence from the date of shipping, rather than the date of order. Delivery times are to be used as a guide only and are subject to the acceptance and approval of your order.
Please note we do not ship on weekends.
The date of delivery may vary due to carrier shipping practices, delivery location, the method of delivery, and the items ordered.
You can provide shipping instruction be adding order notes when checking out on the website.
If there is any damage to the packaging on delivery, please contact us immediately at